Every member of the Batchley family are all V.I.P.S – everyone is Valued, Inspired, Progressing and Secure.     

Batchley First School is a place where things that we do are valued. We hope you will be able to see a small part of some of the great things the children get to experience and to succeed at on their learning journey through the school. 

Our children are the most important part of the school, these are some of the things they have said about the school… 

“I enjoy doing my work”, “I enjoy maths and English”, “I enjoy reading & writing”, “I enjoy stories” 

Other children said….  

“I enjoy playing with friends”, “I enjoy meeting & making friends”, “We all enjoy the new climbing frame”, “School is fun”, “People talk to you”, “SCHOOL IS AMAZING”……. 

We are all proud to be part of Batchley First School. 

You can discover more about our curriculum below, but this has been designed to meet the needs of our pupils and to inspire a love for learning. We match this with the promotion of a growth mindset and positive learning behaviours that instil a desire to learn and to succeed in our learners, who take pride in their (and others’) successes.  

Learning is carefully designed, sequenced and delivered to enable all learners to progress in all areas of their development.  

Our learners feel safe (online safety and personal safety are explicitly taught aspects of our curriculum) and secure – “Safeguarding pupils is at the heart of leaders’ work. They have successfully implemented robust safeguarding procedures to keep pupils as safe as possible… Leaders work closely with families and other professionals to provide support where needed. Important safety messages are taught through the curriculum… Pupils feel confident to share any concerns with a trusted adult. As a result, pupils feel safe at school.”   OFSTED report November 2021