Welcome to Batchley First and Nursery School

Batchley First School is a school for 3-9 year old children in Redditch, Worcestershire. We have about 260 children on our registers and nearly 50 staff in various roles throughout the day.

Our school has a logo and emblem which states that Batchley is a place “Where we are all V.I.P.S” where everyone is Valued, Inspired, Progressing and Secure. These ideals are reflected in how the school is run, how children are treated and how we see the school developing over time.

We have set out to make the site like the school itself.

Firstly it’s very child friendly and child centred – we want children to feel that this site is for them, not just a place for grown-ups to find things out. So there are links to websites for children to continue their learning on-line and places for them to show what they can do. Secondly it’s a place where things that we do are valued. We hope you will be able to see all the great things the children get to experience and to succeed at on their learning journey through the school. Thirdly it is ever developing – we will be always adding to or changing bits to the web-site, so keep coming back to keep up to date with the developments in school.

If you would like to see the school in action, please feel free to contact us and come and have a guided tour.

Mrs Downes

Head Teacher